Why Birds?

We have so much in common with birds. Just like them we can be loners, extroverts, vulnerable, boisterous, shy or competitive. Birds and people make a home, defend their young and make sure their loved ones have enough to eat. Despite the constant threat of a hostile environment, birds sing because they can. Like us, they go to great lengths to look their best when they want someone to notice them. Birds have taught me many things, and especially how to deal with struggles in life. I enjoy writing about what I have learned. The images below will take you to galleries of birds. Feel free to click on each image to see the galleries. 


Hooper - DSCN6822by

Be You

Be true to yourself.

Black-tailed Godwit - DSCN8569tc

Take Charge

Look after yourself.

European Roller - DSCN1081lu

List'n Up

Make some friends.

Sardinian Warbler - DSCN3002sf

Stand Firm

Face your fears.

Black-winged Kite - DSCN0959kc

Keep Cool

Pick your battles.

Eurasian Crane - DSCN6267sb

Step Back

Get some perspective.

Spur Wing Lapwing - DSCN6811ts

Take Stock

Live in the moment.

Spotted Flycatcher - DSCN1449rt


Cope with change.

Be Kind

Find some meaning.

Clamorous Reed Warbler - DSCN0881st

Say Thanks

Learn to be happy.