Let My People Giggle

Doctors say that having a laugh relieves depression, stress and increases endorphins. Giggling is not just mentally good for us it is physically good for us too. It stimulates our heart, lungs and muscles. Because laughter is the best of meds, I decided I needed those drugs. The Hebrew Bible provided the first dose – albeit unintentionally. I was studying the weekly Torah portion, when in the ups and downs, failings and screw-ups of my ancient people, I began to see myself. The ridiculous awkwardness of what it means to be human is what I found funny. Giggling at their awkward inadequacies and insecurities, enabled me to laugh at my own. So these doodles are not just about the Israelites, they are about me and maybe you too. In any event, they are about all of us who are flawed and vulnerable, absurd and irrational, insecure and fearful: basically the entire human race. 

Originally done in watercolour and ink, these prints come in a limited edition of 50 which means that when someone will see one on your wall they will wish that they had bought one too. Aside from hopefully adding a giggle to your day, a print could also make for a fun and unique Bar Mitzvah gift. Each one is 42 x 30 cm (A3) and is hand-signed and numbered by Yours Truly. Should you wish, a personal dedication in Hebrew and/or in English can be added as well. 

The Book of Genesis ספר בראשית

The Book of Exodus ספר שמות

The Book of Leviticus ספר ויקרא

The Book of Numbers ספר במדבר

The Book of Deuteronomy ספר דברים